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Abdominal Therapy

Gentle massage, alignment and stretching brings vitality and release of tension in your abdomen and pelvis. Improving blood flow, nerve function, lymphatic drainage and general wellbeing, abdominal therapy is the bread and butter of most of the work I am currently providing. This work can address digestive issues, displaced or prolapsed pelvic organs, chronic yeast or UTIs, endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic pain, diastasis recti, cesarian/scar tissue pain or numbness and many additional needs you may have concerning your abdomen and reproductive organs function and health.

Teresa is trained in the abdominal therapy technique as taught by Rosita Arvigo.

Preconception & Fertility

Trying to conceive a baby is an exciting, emotional and at times a heartbreaking time. Depending on your journey, River Birch Midwifery will join you to optimize your health and menstrual cycle through abdominal therapy, nutrition and lifestyle counseling, herbal and supplement support and stress reduction techniques. Preconception, like pregnancy and birth, is an important time to turn inward and develop a strong sense of your body sensations and rhythms. During preconception and fertility care, you will discover new aspects of yourself and learn to adjust your daily life to live in accordance with your inner rhythms.

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Cycle Health

The ebb and flow of your cycle should be predictable and life giving. Too often we are told irregular cycles, mood swings, heavy and painful periods are normal and something we must manage with pharmaceuticals like birth control and pain medications. If you are looking for a different approach and a provider who will listen, River Birch Midwifery will take a deep dive into your cycle history and health with you. Together we will work towards a healthier and more manageable cycle. We will utilize abdominal therapy, nutrition, life style and herbal remedies that meet your needs and preferences.

Post miscarriage & pregnancy loss support

When the joy and anticipation of holding your baby ends much too soon, the healing process is extensive and deep. River Birch Midwifery wants to meet you where you are to provide a space of healing and rest. You are seen and heard here--your story matters and the hands on physical healing of your body matters. Providing a safe space to be nurtured and cared for, River Birch Midwifery offers abdominal therapy, herbal remedies and self care practices to walk you through your pain and grief.


Initial Visit: $150

  • 1.5hr visit

  • Extensive review of health history & health goals

  • Overview of abdominal therapy techniques

  • Hands on demonstration of self care massage (known as YAM)

  • Follow up personalized wellness recommendations


Follow Up Visit: $110​

  • Review of questions and updates

  • Abdominal Therapy session 

  • Adjustments to personalized wellness recommendations as needed

Copyright River Birch Midwifery Website 2022                                                                             616.209.9171          Grand Rapids, Michigan

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